Screenshot of the old website
the old Compsoc logo
% vi events/termcards/tt2007/wk2.shtml
<table class="termcard" summary="Layout for event information">
<th class="eh" colspan="2"> Second Life and IBM </th>
<td class="ei"> Wednesday 2nd May,<br/> 20:30 </td>
<td class="ei">
Morley Fletcher Room, Worcester College <br /><a
of Worcester</a> - Meet at Porter's Lodge
% sudo apt-get install ikiwiki apache2
% SRCDIR=/home/share/wiki/wc
% DESTDIR=/home/share/wiki/html
... map some URL to $DESTDIR ...
% mkdir $SRCDIR; cd $SRCDIR
% cat > index.mdwn
I like [lolcats][] and [ikiwiki][].
We has a [[sandbox]]!
% ikiwiki --verbose $SRCDIR $DESTDIR \
--url=http://holly.lan/wiki/ \
--wikiname='High-Tech Wiki'
woo look a wiki
% cp /usr/share/doc/ikiwiki/html/ikiwiki.setup .ikiwiki/
% vim .ikiwiki/ikiwiki.setup
...clackity clackity...
% ikiwiki --setup .ikiwiki/ikiwiki.setup
% REPO=/home/share/wiki/repo
% svnadmin create $REPO
% svn mkdir file://$REPO/trunk -m "create trunk"
% cd $SRCDIR
% svn co file://$REPO/trunk .
% svn add *
% svn commit -m "initial import"
% vim .ikiwiki/ikiwiki.setup
... configure svn repo ...
% this is quite boring
% lalala
% why are you reading this?
% you should be listening to me !!!
Now you can check out the repo on your local machine:
% svn co svn+ssh://holly.lan/home/share/wiki/repo/trunk wiki
% cd wiki
... edit stuff ...
% svn ci -m "this is a helpful commit message"
and the wiki is magically updated!
Instant blog blag:
% cat > blag.mdwn
[[inline pages="blag/*" show="10" postform="yes"]]
% mkdir blag
% vim blag/hello.mdwn
% svn add blag.mdwn blag blag/*; svn ci -m 'lalala'
We use a variant on this for termcards.
blag screenshot
Wrote a plugin for termcards and events and stuff:
% cat termcards/2007/michaelmas/Week 7/Lightning Talks.mdwn
[[event venue="Morley Fletcher Room, Worcester"
date="2007-11-22 20:00"]]
One room, one projector, and many speakers. Everyone is
invited to give a short talk on something they're
involved in or interested in; don't worry ...
% cat termcards/2007/michaelmas.mdwn
[[term ]]
No more editing HTML tables!
Give me Template Toolkit any day!
[% for tag in tags %]
[% %]
[% end %]
Wikipedia lolcat
Markdown is great.
### this becomes an h3
You can do *italics* and **underline**.
* bulleted list
- nested lists
1. numbered lists
3. although it ignores numbers other than the first
> email-style quoting makes a blockquote
I actually wrote this presentation in Markdown!
You can do italics and underline.
email-style quoting makes a blockquote
Pandoc supports some extensions to standard Markdown:
~~Strikeout~~ Let's have a footnote[^1].
: Definition of term.
Inline L~A~T^E^X: $ \alpha \Rarrow \beta $
[^1]: blah blah blah
It also does tables, but why would you do that?!